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How many headlines have I written in my 25-plus years in copywriting?

Andy, my partner in mousetraps and cheese, asked me this as we began the second episode of the Content Matters podcast.

I couldn’t answer the question. However, he had plenty more questions (as did I) and answering them made for a great 22 minute discussion on the all-important topic.

Here’s episode #2:
Headlines: Does Anything Matter More?

How do you write killer headlines? Should you aim to turn on readers or search engines?

This episode of the podcast gets into these questions and:

  • How headlines are ammo in the war for attention
  • How headlines are the key to social media success
  • Headlines are no longer just the big bold words at the top of the page
  • Do headline writers over-emphasize search?
  • How to hack your way to writing killer headlines for web content
  • How to borrow insights from the cover of pop culture magazines (and the native advertising industry)
  • Barry’s age-old “how to” get started lesson
  • Andy’s not-so-secret formula for looking at numbers first
  • The magnetic power of the illustrious curiosity gap
  • The dubious double headline that screams “click me”

In the cheese and mousetrap segment…

  • Are you fulfilling your promises?
  • The connection between the headline and the growth of your email list

attention war


Some click-worthy comments

We haven’t figured out how to put hyperlinks in our soundtrack, but suspect you’ll want to visit some of the resources we mentioned:

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