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Copywriting for Conversion

Presenting the Copywriting for Conversion course

Lessons to Help You Reduce Bounce Rate and Create a More Profitable Website

You invest time and money to get people to your website. Your sales suffer when they leave (aka bounce) without clicking and sticking around.

Why do new visitors to your website bounce?

  • They get confused
  • They get distracted
  • They get apathetic
  • They get bored
  • They don’t find reasons to trust your brand

The bottom line: a visitor bounces when his or her comfort level is low.

I’m going to show you precisely what to do to get your visitors into a comfort zone and take action.

Ready to capture more leads and make more money?

There’s no mystery to what it takes.

You need stronger copy—more persuasive prose. You need to understand the copywriting tactics that inspire action.

The truth is, I’ve never found a concise, affordable and truly useful course crafted to help people like you increase conversion with better writing. So I created one.

Copywriting for Conversion course

I’ve crammed 20+ years of online marketing and copywriting experience into a 55-minute course: Copywriting for Conversion.

The course will teach you:

  • A more effective way to approach conversion
  • The key to every significant sale
  • The 7 reasons copy fails to convert—and how overcome each one
  • The exact words your headline must include
  • A 5-step plan for keeping readers emotionally engaged
  • An exercise for writing a compelling selling proposition that works every time
  • The essential conversion formula
  • The secret to connecting with the right audience
  • Explicit instructions for crafting a call-to-action that works
  • Writing tips based on the psychology of decision making

One client said:

“In Feldman fashion, this course cuts right into all you need to know about copywriting. Words make a difference. Barry will teach you small changes to create huge results for your business!”

~ Tony Howell

Another wrote:

“Barry Feldman is a true genius when it comes to creative headlines and messaging the grabs attention”

~ Janine Popick
VerticalResponse founder, Dasheroo CMO

(Janine’s comment appeared in an article on

I’ve created a video and page to tell you all you need to know about the course, Copywriting for Conversion.

Discover the secrets to high conversion copywriting now

New course learn more>> Learn more about the Copywriting for Conversion course here. 

>> Buy now. Get the lifetime access to the course here at a low (and limited time) introductory rate.