Maybe You’re Not Wasting Enough Time with Social Media.
This is an opinion piece based on important social media research from Vertical Response. I felt compelled to chime in and enjoyed it. I’d like to hear your opinion too.
This is an opinion piece based on important social media research from Vertical Response. I felt compelled to chime in and enjoyed it. I’d like to hear your opinion too.
By actively listening (observing) the interactions taking place, you gain the insights needed to create relevant content and spark conversation. Your goal is to engage the audience, join the conversation, and ultimately, earn a larger media footprint and join the ranks of industry influencer.
Introducing Persuasion Pointers—ideas for sharpening your persuasion skills to make your online marketing more effective.
SlideShare helps professionals discover people through content, and content through people. Here’s a list of reasons why SlideShare means business.
The good news is anyone can publish and the bad news is they do. Junk abounds. If you’re marketing something, here’s how to make social media a worthwhile endeavor.
Like so many other endeavors, what you get out of social media traces directly to what you put into it.
Get SlideShare basics and learn how it supports your content marketing goals.
On the first day of Twismas, my twu love sent to me A smartphone equipped with 4G. On the second day of Twismas, my twu love sent to me Two Twitter retweets And a smartphone equipped with 4G. On the third day of Twismas, my twu love sent to me Three Facebook friends, Two Twitter…