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Are you using one of the world’s most prominent content marketing services?


I’d only been a casual observer in the past. While researching this or that, I’d stumble across a link and find myself at And I’d often find what I was looking for—and then some.
But I always thought sitting through presentations, especially PowerPoint slideshows, was a serious drag. Making them has never been my thing either. In fact, I avoided it.
Nonetheless, because my not-so-healthy diet calls for approximately 12 hours of online time a day, I became well aware of SlideShare. I made myself a promise to take a useful work of mine, something highly educational (and therefore a good fit for the site), revise it and SlideShare it.
There you go: when a website becomes a VERB, you know something important’s going on there.
I have a handful of assets there now. Amongst them is the presentation I’ve embedded here, “21 Pointers to Sharpen Your Website.” The brochure version is also on SlideShare (and available here on my site), but the slide show has seen far more exposure.
Interested in making your site more powerful? Go ahead and watch this presentation.
Interested in sharing it? As the name implies, SlideShare is awesome for sharing. You can even snag code there and embed the media on your pages, just like YouTube.

Interested in a quick SlideShare 101?

Here you go, the basics:

  • The site launched in 2006 and now gets over 25 million visits per month.
  • Users can upload and share presentations, documents, and videos.
  • You can rate, comment on, and share stuff via social media.
  • Essentially, SlideShare is a social media because you also follow members and join groups.
  • Both Facebook and LinkedIn have integrated apps to make it easy to share your SlideShare assets.
  • Zipcast is a new webcasting feature offered free from SlideShare.
  • You can create a branded channel for your company.
  • For a fee, you can have your presentations shared on the SlideShare home page.
  • Various widgets allow you to embed presentation feeds on your page and embed playlists of presentations.
  • SlideShare is an enormous library of valuable content.

Interested in becoming SlideShare Marketing Master? (It’s not technical, so no need to fear.) This a nice collection of tips from HubSpot.

Have you used it? Any tips you can share with us here at The Point?


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