How to Create and Use Welcome Emails [Content Jam Episode 34]
In this episode, Barry and Andy discuss the benefits of creating welcome email and ways to put them to use for your brand.
In this episode, Barry and Andy discuss the benefits of creating welcome email and ways to put them to use for your brand.
In this edition of Content Matters, Barry and Andy pour forth every tip they can come up with for leveraging LinkedIn in a span of less than 30 minutes.
If you’re a professional, you’re a brand. In this episode of Content Matters, Andy and Barry discuss Barry’s book, The Road to Recognition, and highlight many of its lessons on developing your personal brand in the age of digital media.
There’s a greater than 4-to-1 chance you’re missing out on a gigantic opportunity to put your content in the path of your prospects. See, according to the new Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 85% of marketers don’t use SlideShare. I’m going to tell you why you should consider getting started and in addition to this post,…
It’s time to master LinkedIn, the personal branding epicenter of the Internet. LinkedIn enters into every conversation I have about personal branding. It comes up in the daily conversations I have about content marketing and new media advertising. And whenever I’m tasked with helping people get started with social media marketing, the discussion always includes LinkedIn….
Have you read the “2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report?” Each year, Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner delivers the report, which includes data summaries of their massive survey along with his insights. First up in the latest edition is the “Top 5 social media questions marketers want answered.” Question #1: What social tactics are…
This is a guest post by Susan Finch. Susan is a freelance writer with a passion for travel and helping small businesses find their online voice through content marketing, blogging and beyond. She is an eclectic writer with more than 10 years of experience contributing to guidebooks, magazines, iPhone apps, online publications and more. She…
Open your calendar please. Mark the dates for next week, Feb. 11, 12, 13. Of course, I don’t expect you’ll commit all three days to nothing but webinars. However, if you want to take in fun and free lessons from some of the best, have a look at the Content and Customer Engagement Summit schedule and…
When outsiders start in with their bashing and thrashing of social media networks you can bet your last dime they’ll be squawking about the trivial nature of the posts. You’ve heard it many times before. Social media is a waste of time. That’s their story and they’re sticking to it (as the media world passes them…
The ability to recognize and be recognized is probably the most prominent driver of social networks and online marketing tactics. Learn more about the most powerful application of social media.