Persuasion Pointers – Rich Little Nuggets from Me to You
Introducing Persuasion Pointers—ideas for sharpening your persuasion skills to make your online marketing more effective.
Introducing Persuasion Pointers—ideas for sharpening your persuasion skills to make your online marketing more effective.
No search, no amount of number crunching, magic tool, Google Alert, e-guide, e-book, e-mail, e-ticket, or all-knowing e-vangelist of SEO is going to give you the best keywords. The best keywords to USE (I said USE, not CHOOSE) are the phrases you can write about, talk about, and establish authority on—today and everyday. Because what really boosts your SEO is authority.
Everyone agrees the one thing all search engines are after is relevance. So come what may, scholars and simpletons can once and for all agree: the most effective SEO strategy of all time is to produce relevant content.
How does a CMS make things easier?
How does a CMS make things easier?The answer is simple. I mean, simple is the answer. Working on websites used to be for those who graduated from HTML University. Not anymore. CMS can be a friend to every man, woman and child, technically inclined or challenged.
How does a CMS make things easier?
How does a CMS make things easier?
The answer is simple. I mean, simple is the answer. Working on websites used to be for those who graduated from HTML University. Not anymore. CMS can be a friend to every man, woman and child, technically inclined or challenged.
I won’t use the “i” word here (hint, it’s the opposite of outbound marketing), but I want to emphasize that in today’s consumer-is-king world, redesigning your website earns you precisely nothing.