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It’s back from the dead.

Actually, it’s still dead. Huh?

What I’m trying to say is I have a new infographic for you. I’ve taken the “Eulogy for a Blog” post I originally wrote for Copyblogger (and republished here) and teamed with my friends at ClearVoice to create this haunting infographic. Enjoy.

Eulogy for a Blog infographic

[BTW, if blogging and content marketing haunts you, learn how a content marketing consultant can help.]


Dearly Beloved,

We gather here today to honor the memory of our friend, Web Log.

That was his birth name.

Most knew him simply as Blog.

Blog’s life was tragically cut short at a very young age. I’m saddened to say, he never really hit his stride or had the chance to grow up to enjoy what might have been his prime.

When Blog was born he was full of hope and vigor. He dreamed of being an educator. He loved having an audience, though our friend Blog had to settle for a very small one.

Those of us who knew Blog well, knew he was not a patient man. Though many admired Blog because he was a self-starter, he was often cautioned about rushing into things.

I suspect if Blog were here today, he’d tell you he would have been wise to have been more deliberate about planning.

Again, though we honor Blog’s spirit, like all of us, he was deeply flawed.

Blog was self-centered.

He longed to be listened to, but seldom listened.

So much of what Blog had to say was about himself, his company, and his accomplishments. It’s hard to imagine that Blog never noticed his audience was tuning out, but he persisted in his ways. Some things cannot be explained.

Blog was also unpredictable.

There is no denying he’d be on for days, sometimes weeks, or even months, but then he’d disappear for long spells. It was always a mystery when Blog would show up again.

Blog wasn’t all that concerned about his appearance.

In fact, some might say — lovingly, of course — that Blog was a clutter bug. He kept his space busy and in his line of work, this can be a distraction.

Blog was dull.

Don’t get me wrong. To know him was to love him. He was as unique as all of God’s children. However, having seen some of Blog’s work, I must say his charms didn’t come through. He held back for fear of criticism.

Some would say our friend Blog sold himself short.

He wasn’t much for networking, so the vast majority of his peers had little reason to pay him any mind. Some of you do what Blog did and so you know how trying it can be to go it alone.

I mentioned before, patience was not one of Blog’s virtues.

He expected too much, too soon.

Some of Blog’s dearest friends and loved ones shared with me how tormented he was when he failed to get the attention he believed he deserved. I know some you counseled him and reassured him it may take time to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Of course, this memorial service is not meant to be a roast.

We mean to celebrate Blog’s short life and be thankful we knew him at all. Blog had a good heart. He meant to bring value to the lives of the people he touched.

Still, I believe all of use here can’t help but wonder, “What if … ?”

What if Blog took more care to plan?

What if he were a better listener?

If he lived by a schedule?

What if he tidied up?

What if Blog was more capable of pouring his heart into his work — or maybe seeking the help of professionals?

And finally, what if he built relationships with influential people who might have taken an interest in his work, given him some advice, and perhaps opportunities?

What if? What if? What if?

But my friends, he tried. Sometimes that’s the best one can do.

We mourn the loss of Blog, but we take comfort knowing Blog is in the arms of the angels now.

Blog, God rest your soul, we pray for you.

If you’d like to say a few words about Blog, please step forward at this time.

77% of companies have blogs, but according to IBM research, 85% of corporate blogs have five posts or less.


This story was first published on Copyblogger as “Eulogy for a Blog.” I didn’t change a thing (except the headine) because I like it too much. What did you think? Shed any tears?



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