Feldman Creative Achieves Inbound Marketing Certification
Inbound Marketing University awards the Inbound Marketing Certification to Barry Feldman, of Feldman Creative, as part of its comprehensive Internet marketing training program.
Inbound Marketing University awards the Inbound Marketing Certification to Barry Feldman, of Feldman Creative, as part of its comprehensive Internet marketing training program.
Raise your hand if you know what m. means. If your hand is in the air it probably has a smartphone in it. You smartphone users are pretty smart. If your hand isn’t in the air, there’s still a very strong chance it has a smartphone in it. Now, take a close look at the…
Caution: The following article contains bad words and may not be suitable for everyone. It’s Octohhhhhhh-brrrrrrrr. Gonna’ be a wicked witch for Halloween? Ghost? Vampire? Here’s an even scarier idea: be an SEO copywriter. Yes sir. Yes ma’am. If you want to spook the hell out the people with the audacity to come to your…
SERP: Search Engine Results Page. Another silly acronym. Let’s all grrrrrrrrowl together. Don’t care to learn about it’s meaning? Ooh. Even sillier. A SERP is what you’re served microseconds after you put something in Google. (Or Bing for the Microsoft faithful. Or Yahoo! for a few remaining dinosaurs.) Whaddaya’ see in a SERP? Website page…