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You’ve got it going on with your keywords. You’re ranking high. The traffic is coming now. Web-a-palooza. Party time. Cha-chiiiiiing.

Not so fast Master Webmeister. It seems visitors are bugging out before they click a single thing.

This buzz-kill problem is called “bounce” in web speak. I call the culprits “website conversion killers.” You probably couldn’t care less who calls what what. It’s simply infuriating to see your incoming traffic come and go like lightning bugs.

Realize: Getting found won’t get you far.

You want visitors to click and stick.

After being involved in the creation of websites since—well—since websites were created, I’ve come to recognize the website mistakes that discourage new business prospects from getting into the website or getting any closer to becoming a customer. I’ve written about them here on our blog and also in an article at Convince and Convert, but now I’d like to present the ugly truth about the web’s leading conversion repellents in a new infographic.

I hope you like it and I hope you share it too.

Here it is.

Website Conversion Killers

A great big thank you to the talented designer Marco Giannini, whose work is showcased here at


Review the entire list and make sure your website has zero conversion repellents. 

•  Define conversion
•  Make the website clean
•  Connect with keywords
•  Nix the jargon
•  Foster credibility
•  Offer helpful content
•  Inspire interaction
•  Embrace social media
•  Nurture
•  Make the site easy to search
•  Direct the visitor

21 Pointers to Sharpen Your Website - for effective online marketing

Give your visitors every reason to get into your website.
For an even more comprehensive guide, download “21 Pointers to Sharpen Your Website,” a free eBook.