Click and Stick: Do Your Titles Do the Trick?
For a website copywriter, it all begins with a click. Goal one: entice someone to click. Goal two: keep the reader on your site. I like to call it “click and stick.”
For a website copywriter, it all begins with a click. Goal one: entice someone to click. Goal two: keep the reader on your site. I like to call it “click and stick.”
A nearly universal objective for business websites is to find out WHO came to visit, to collect a business card, if you will. I’ll expand on this by listing the top three useful website strategies.
When clients come a-calling on me to plan and write new websites for their business, the first questions I ask: “Who will be visiting your site?” 9 of 10 times I don’t get a specific answer.
I submit the savvy way to get started on a new website is to pickpocket ideas wherever you can find ‘em.
Influence is about building real two-way relationships that are mutually beneficial.
Thought leaders around the world agree: when you establish a presence on the web you become a publisher. However, the notion that often follows goes something like this: now that you’re a publisher, you need journalists to create your content—not copywriters.
I beg to differ.
Your customer’s opinion of your brand or product outranks everyone else’s voice.“Peer-to-peer marketing” or “word of mouse” is the most powerful form of advertising ever.
The copywriter interview by FeldmanCreative Spend 3 minutes with my daughter Leah and I. It seems Leah, who loves to write, had questions about what I do. She started asking me and I said “We should do this in the form of an interview.” She was all over it and it took it fairly seriously,…
SERP: Search Engine Results Page. Another silly acronym. Let’s all grrrrrrrrowl together. Don’t care to learn about it’s meaning? Ooh. Even sillier. A SERP is what you’re served microseconds after you put something in Google. (Or Bing for the Microsoft faithful. Or Yahoo! for a few remaining dinosaurs.) Whaddaya’ see in a SERP? Website page…
I feel like a coach. I guess I actually am. I say this because I’m providing consulting for a number of companies now, big and small, mostly small, even agencies, and find myself constantly reminding my clients the same fundamental piece of advice. But we’re not playing ball. We’re playing marketing communications. So, let me…