You’ll want to check these blogs, authors, resources—all top notch.

My Google Alerts alerted me to a resource list for online marketers produced on ExploreB2B by Dr. Susanna Gebauer, an internet marketing and energy regulations expert (fun combo, no?) hailing from Germany. I’m flattered the list included yours truly. It’s a strong line-up of marketers that I’d recommend you check out. It even introduced me to some writers in the field who are worth getting to know. I’ve republished it so you can get to know them too.

Bragging rights? I’ve actually written for 10 of these awesome marketing leaders. 


Dr. Susanna Gebauer wrote:

Recently I was asked to recommend some German blogs on Content Marketing. As I myself mainly read English blogs I admit I had to search around – and failed miserably as German blogs worth reading on this subject seem to be few.

Today I present the best English language blogs and outlets I know about Content, Social Media and Online Marketing – feel free to tell me what I missed.

This is a list of blogs I read and would recommend. The list is in no particular order and the numbering implies no rating.

1) Copyblogger:

They do not only talk about content marketing – they live it. That is one of the best recommendations you can get: people who successfully use content marketing to market their own business. Meet Brian Clark of Copyblogger on Twitter or Google+.

2) Marketo:

Marketo offers a Marketing automation software, they help you sort through all your contacts to always have the right message for the right people to turn prospects into customers. On their blog they write about Marketing Automation, Social Media, Content Marketing, Email Marketing and Sales.

3) Marketing Profs:

Ann Handley of Marketing profs and her team provide you with vast collection of information on all things marketing.

4) Hubspot:

Hubspot itself is an inbound marketing software that “helps to attract customers and convert them into customers”. On their blog they publish about a variety of marketing topics including content marketing and social media.

5) Kissmetrics:

Kissmetrics was one of the first blogs I followed as they provide us with a good mix of content around different marketing topics. They focus on providing helpful information: tips, how-tos and studies.

6) Content Marketing Institute:

On any list of blogs on content marketing the Content Marketing Institute should not be missing. The blog run by Joe Pulizzi and his team was one of the first sources we consulted when we started our own content marketing. You get great insight and new perspectives.

7) {Grow}

Mark Schaefer who is running {Grow} is a marketing consultant. Many of his posts are inspired by his experience with clients. He focuses on B2B, providing his readers with a unique view and slightly “different” kind of content.

8) B2B Marketing Insider:

This blog is run by Michael Brenner, Vice President of Marketing and Content Strategy at SAP. Michael focuses on the B2B perspective of topics like content marketing, lead generation, search marketing, digital media, and social media strategies.

9) Top Rank Blog

Lee Odden and his team at Top Rank Marketing started out as SEO long ago in the days before Google when search was done with yahoo and the likes. Anything you need to know about content in marketing, Top Rank probably has the answer.

10) Moz (formerly known as SEOmoz)

Its not only the Moz-Blog, here you can also find Rand Fishkins’s Blog. Starting out as a SEO consulting company, Moz now takes us to the future and focuses more on Inbound Marketing.

11) Twist Image:

If you frequent Social Media and Content Marketing conferences in the US, you will come across Mitch Joel who is a well known speaker in these topics. On his blog he “brings you digital marketing and media hacking insights and provocations.” Sounds good, doesn’t it?

12) Social Media Examiner:

I guess you can’t compile a list of blogs on social media without including Michael Stelzner’s examiner. They provide you with insight on tools, best practices and tips.

13) Convince and Convert:

The team around Jay Baer advises people on getting better at social media and content marketing. Many of their insights they share in their blog, providing you with entertaining and educating posts.

14) Pam Moore – the Marketing Nut:

You want to smile (or laugh out loud) while getting the tips you need for getting more successful with social media and content marketing? Then this one is for you!

15) Jeff Bullas:

One of my favorite sources for information on everything social media. Why? Because Jeff shares his own experience not excluding failures: you not only get the information what you should do, you also get information on what might go wrong.

16) Social Media Explorer

Jason Falls loves a good argument. So the content you get on Social Media Explorer includes some provocative views. Although there has been a change in responsibility last year, putting Nichole Kelly in the lead, you will be entertained with insights by many thought leaders.

17) Kikolani:

Kristy Hines is a freelance writer who is frequently published on some of the other listed blogs. You would “meet” her sooner or later, even if you do not follow her own blog at Kikolani. She is an entertaining writer about social media topics. Do not miss her.

18) Feldman Creative:

Barry Feldman is a storyteller, with Feldman creative you can hire him to tell your brand’s story. On his blog he gives insight into branding, storytelling, content marketing, and more on digital marketing.

19) Velocity Partners

An agency from the UK aiming to be the “most interesting” B2B marketing agency. To me this sounds promising, and I promise you some entertaining and educative posts by Doug Kessler and his colleagues.

20) Ask Aaron Lee

You need advice on building your social media presence? Ask Aaron Lee – he has done it and he shares his experience on his blog. Great tips.

21) Nick Allen

I came across Nick through his content marketing case study of Ozone Coffee Roasters. As with this piece, he often gives new angles and perspectives.

22) Mari Smith

Mari Smith is a Facebook expert. If you need advice on using Facebook, her blog is the place to find help.

23) Windmill Networking

Neal Schaffer is a Forbes Top 35 Social Media Influencer and a frequent speaker at social media conferences around the world. He shares information on using Social Media with a focus on LinkedIn and Twitter.

23) Brian Solis

Principal at Altimeter, Brian Solis is focused more on technology than on how-tos. Here you get a more global overview and interpretation of what is going on in social media.

24 ) Jeremiah Owyang

Jeremiah is an Analyst with Altimeter Group. He focuses on technology and the communication between brands and customers.

25) Chris Brogan

Chris Brogan is CEO & President of Human Business Works, an education publishing and media company dedicated to helping professionals work better, do the work they want, and to be brave. You get “Get insights, recipes, ideas, and conversation about new ways to look at marketing sales, business, and the path you choose as the owner of your life sent weekly to your inbox.”

26) Bryan Kramer

Bryan is the founder of Pure Matter – he has extensive experience in all areas of brand marketing and digital with a focus on integrated communications and planning, which he shares on his personal blog.

27) Eloqua:

Eloqua is a provider of marketing automation software. On their blog they talk about demand generation, operational efficiency and marketing analytics with a focus on the role innovation plays in revenue generation. Eloqua itself is a great example on how to grow your business with content marketing. They know how to do it, and share helpful information.

28) Socialnomics:

The blog was founded by Eric Qualman with the goal to provide short social stories, statistics, studies and surprises.

29) Seth’s Blog

Seth Godin is one of the really big names. He has written many books, every one of them has been a bestseller. His topics are post-industrial revolution, the way ideas spread, marketing, quitting, leadership and most of all, changing everything.

30) Philipp Bloom:

If you want a special view on content marketing in the independent movie making industry by someone using and living it, you might find Phillip’s Blog worth following. This post by him should be told in Social Media School.


31) Steve Olenski:

Steve is a great writer on social media topics. You can find his content on Forbes, Responsys, exploreB2B and many more. I recommend you to circle him on Google+ to get all his great content.

I am sure you will find some interesting posts and information you did not have before: Happy Reading!