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content marketing minds


I put gas in my environmentally irresponsible, old guzzler van today. It hurt. To ease the pain, what do you say we talk about bikes instead? We’ll talk a bit about beer, too. Bikes. Brews. I’m feeling better already. Care to join me?

As random as it all sounds,

An experiential diorama

In this podcast, you’ll hear from chief gearhead Matt Kowal, the MC (Master of… Ceremonies? Of content? Of cerveza?) of New Belgium Brewing’s “Tour de Fat.”

This summer, New Belgium’s “people-powered day of experience” made the rounds to 15 cities as part of its 13th annual Tour de Fat. Kowal describes this cycling circus as a “3D billboard/diorama starring our supporters.”

Brands do well by doing good

Patrons can participate in the event for free, but they part with cash throughout the day at concessions. And though a good amount of money is collected, the host beer company keeps none of it: Every dollar goes to local bike causes. In addition, nearly every worker is a volunteer from one of those, and everyone in attendance — I’m guessing 5K or so joined me in San Francisco — has a gay old time in supporting their favorite brand

content marketing minds

Today, via the mighty MP3, I’m going to take you with me to the city by the bay. Listen to Matt and me talk about the festivities, first on site in Golden Gate Park, and then on Skype. You’ll learn a heap of fun stuff about an unusual content marketing program that makes its way across the U.S. in three gigantic semi trucks.

Master Matt shares insights about how:

  • New Belgium Brewing aims to create a moment people won’t forget
  • The hosts garner support from the communities they visit
  • Local causes bring a like-minded community together
  • New Belgium creates an “interactive diorama”
  • The company parlays the event with earned media reach

Be safe. And thanks for listening.

You can learn more about Tour de Fat at the event’s website and Facebook page.